
MyTracker makes it possible to configure your system with very fine granularity.

  1. Edit style sheet
  2. Edit query
  3. Edit graph
  4. Edit report
  5. Edit notification
  6. Run query
  7. Run graph
  8. Run report
  9. View field
  10. Edit field
  11. Delete issue
  12. Add issue
  13. Modify issue
  14. Login restricted: this special permission(restriction) make it possible to have users which have acces to myTracker, but they should become email notifications
  15. Restrict selection of other users: take this permision if you don't want to allow some user to assign the the issue to other user(forward the work)
  16. Restrict selection of other user groups user : you can use this permission if you want to allow developers to forward work only to other developer (the same user group), the user can forward the issue only to users from the same group(s)
  17. Add attachment
  18. Open attachment
  19. Delete attachment
  20. View attachment list
  21. Add note
  22. Edit note
  23. Delete note
  24. View note list
  25. Client append choice field items: you can specify if the user can add new items to the selected choice fields

For Modify issue permission is it possible to define an edit condition. It is a where clause in the select which test the permission for editing. So if you want to enable the users to edit only own issue type in:ASSIGNEDTO=Current user. The check performing select in the client console will look like:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ISSUE WHERE ID="Issue ID to be edited" and (ASSIGNEDTO="ID of logged user")