
Is a special kind of notification. You can also understand it as a evolution of email notification. So what is other?
  1. You can better control who will be notified
  2. The are more trigger events
First you can set for every user a default monitoring strategy
  1. All issues
  2. My issues (submitted or changed by me)
  3. No
This default setting could be extended for individual issues. So if you have selected No default monitoring, but you are interested in monitoring of concrete issue you can select and deselect your individual monitoring settings.

The triggered events:
Event Macro name
Changed field ChangeField
Add attachment AddAttachment
Remove attachment RemoveAttachment
Add note AddNote
Edit note EditNote
Remove note RemoveNote

Macros must have one open and one close tag.

Monitoring supports also these macros:
<ID> inserts the issue ID
<ChangedBy> inserts the user (editor) name
<ChangeAt> inserts the the time of change
<Field FieldName> inserts the value of the field FieldName
<Item> inserts the attachemt file name or the note text

Simple example

If you put this text into Mailtext:
Attachment <Item> has been added for issue <ID> (<Field NAME>)!
Attachment <Item> has been removed for issue <ID> (<Field NAME>)!
Generate mails with body like:
Attachment picture1.jpg has been added for issue 124 (Invalid login)!

You can react in your mailtext on several trigered events. MyTracker will use the appropriate macro for the mail. If the sent mails body should be empty, the mail will not sent.